Virtual Reality is Here, is Your Business?

March 20, 2017 5:28 am CDT

Designing for Virtual Reality (VR) is happening faster than expected. It’s the next shift for the user experience. EVE Founder, Eve Eden, says they will be on the cutting edge of VR.

“VR is going to bring the entire 360-degree world into our homes. VR blurs the line between online and in-store shopping experiences. This gives the consumer more confidence in choosing the right product for them. VR immerses the user into another place by incorporating audio and visual. It’ll be fun and you’ll have the ability to experience something live before seeing it in reality. Think about the experience of visiting Machu Picchu in Peru or trying on a pair of jeans at a store.” Eden said.

According to the article: ”Infographic – Virtual Reality Stats.” by Aaron Burch. “The total number of active Virtual Reality users is forecast to reach 171 million by 2018.”

According to the article: ”Infographic – Virtual Reality Stats.” by Aaron Burch. “The total number of active Virtual Reality users is forecast to reach 171 million by 2018.”

EVE has been studying trends in VR design and interweaving it into the user experience. Products like Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR are some inexpensive headsets on the market that are introducing consumers to the VR experience. Another product that can be purchased at stores like Best Buy is called Oculus Rift. This introduces consumers to the 3D world. It is primarily used in gaming, such as the game Robo Recall.

EVE has been studying trends in VR design and interweaving it into the user experience. Products like Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR are some inexpensive headsets on the market that are introducing consumers to the VR experience. Another product that can be purchased at stores like Best Buy is called Oculus Rift. This introduces consumers to the 3D world. It is primarily used in gaming, such as the game Robo Recall.

EVE wants to assure business owners that they can bridge the digital world of their website to the physical world of their storefront. EVE will customize a VR plan tailored to your Effective Virtual Experience.

Meet Faraj Nayfa. We are currently managing the social media of his restaurant, Hala In, located in Mayfair neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois. He is a seasoned small business owner of 11 years, and is busy with managing the restaurant.

Since he personally has no time or social media experience to curate an online presence for it, EVE has helped to start the foundation for an online following onInstagram and Facebook to reach customers Faraj would previously have missed out on.

It is important to recognize that social media marketing is becoming the new norm. While the start up of a social media strategy can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

While you focus on your passion of running your business, EVE is here to focus on our passion of helping you navigate the social media world and digital business.

Since he personally has no time or social media experience to curate an online presence for it, EVE has helped to start the foundation for an online following onInstagram and Facebook to reach customers Faraj would previously have missed out on.

It is important to recognize that social media marketing is becoming the new norm. While the start up of a social media strategy can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

While you focus on your passion of running your business, EVE is here to focus on our passion of helping you navigate the social media world and digital business.

About the Author:

Loreen Bahri is a content writer & strategist for EVE – User Experience Design Agency based in Nashville, Tennessee, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. When she is not living off the grid, she is a highly caffeinated music, photography and dog–lover. Connect with her on X and Facebook.

About the Author:

Loreen Bahri is a content writer & strategist for EVE – User Experience Design Agency based in Nashville, Tennessee, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. When she is not living off the grid, she is a highly caffeinated music, photography and dog–lover. Connect with her on X and Facebook.

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Several years ago, Facebook launched Blueprint, a global education and certification program for all marketers.

User Experience (UX) research is the key to any well functioning website.

Designing for Virtual Reality (VR) is happening faster than expected.

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