Small Tweaks, Big Results for Your Website

June 5, 2017 6:02 am CDT

EVE found the article: “4 Trends in Website Design That Small Businesses Need to Know,” by Drew Hendricks to be a great read for any business owner. “Websites for any product or service are today’s version of a first impression. Consumers make a variety of instant decisions about whether to continue on a site or jump to a competitor’s. A person’s eyes take just 2.6 seconds to focus on a particular element of a webpage when it loads, according to research from Missouri University of Science and Technology.”

The article stresses the following four important aspects to focus on:

Less Reliance on Custom Code - advising to rely less on coding yourself. Most “easy-to-use” platforms still need to customize the front-end design. EVE will take the worry out of web development for your website. The reliance of hiring EVE will ensure you have a team to create clean code for your business.

Motion User Interface - referring to the animation, interaction and video to enhance your website. Interactions make a website feel easy to use. Video and animation are the strongest attraction to the human senses and make you memorable. EVE talks more about this idea in the article, “Want Attention? Create a Great Website Intro Video” which further explains the significance of video in producing better website conversion rates.

The article stresses the following four important aspects to focus on:

Less Reliance on Custom Code - advising to rely less on coding yourself. Most “easy-to-use” platforms still need to customize the front-end design. EVE will take the worry out of web development for your website. The reliance of hiring EVE will ensure you have a team to create clean code for your business.

Motion User Interface - referring to the animation, interaction and video to enhance your website. Interactions make a website feel easy to use. Video and animation are the strongest attraction to the human senses and make you memorable. EVE talks more about this idea in the article, “Want Attention? Create a Great Website Intro Video” which further explains the significance of video in producing better website conversion rates.

B2B Takes Inspiration From B2C - stressing the importance of taking advantage of the trends hitting e-commerce. B2B brands need to evolve and offer their customers similar ways to shop as they would on sites like Amazon. EVE talks about this in the article: “Be Forward Thinking Embrace E-commerce

Internet of Things - the internet has taken over the exchange of data that was never possible before. Things that use to be written down or documented on paper is now collect information on the internet. Tracking devices such as Fitbit, collect physical movement and sleep data. The demand of these smart objects gives more control and better understanding of how clients use these objects.

B2B Takes Inspiration From B2C - stressing the importance of taking advantage of the trends hitting e-commerce. B2B brands need to evolve and offer their customers similar ways to shop as they would on sites like Amazon. EVE talks about this in the article: “Be Forward Thinking Embrace E-commerce

Internet of Things - the internet has taken over the exchange of data that was never possible before. Things that use to be written down or documented on paper is now collect information on the internet. Tracking devices such as Fitbit, collect physical movement and sleep data. The demand of these smart objects gives more control and better understanding of how clients use these objects.

EVE helps bring these intelligent solutions, and much more to clients. Developing each vision uniquely with your ideas in mind every step of the way. EVE strives to communicate through creating the best functional designs and the most Effective Virtual Experience with each interaction.

Meet Faraj Nayfa. We are currently managing the social media of his restaurant, Hala In, located in Mayfair neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois. He is a seasoned small business owner of 11 years, and is busy with managing the restaurant.

Since he personally has no time or social media experience to curate an online presence for it, EVE has helped to start the foundation for an online following onInstagram and Facebook to reach customers Faraj would previously have missed out on.

It is important to recognize that social media marketing is becoming the new norm. While the start up of a social media strategy can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

While you focus on your passion of running your business, EVE is here to focus on our passion of helping you navigate the social media world and digital business.

Since he personally has no time or social media experience to curate an online presence for it, EVE has helped to start the foundation for an online following onInstagram and Facebook to reach customers Faraj would previously have missed out on.

It is important to recognize that social media marketing is becoming the new norm. While the start up of a social media strategy can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

While you focus on your passion of running your business, EVE is here to focus on our passion of helping you navigate the social media world and digital business.

About the Author:

Loreen Bahri is a content writer & strategist for EVE – User Experience Design Agency based in Nashville, Tennessee, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. When she is not living off the grid, she is a highly caffeinated music, photography and dog–lover. Connect with her on X and Facebook.

About the Author:

Loreen Bahri is a content writer & strategist for EVE – User Experience Design Agency based in Nashville, Tennessee, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. When she is not living off the grid, she is a highly caffeinated music, photography and dog–lover. Connect with her on X and Facebook.

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If you’re an entrepreneur with an idea for a product or business, trying to see it to its fruition can be a challenge if you are starting from scratch.

User Experience (UX), have you considered what this phrase means?

At EVE we understand that business owners need help with developing an online presence.

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