Want Attention? Create a Great Website Intro Video

July 31, 2017 6:02 am CDT

Business owners should consider the importance of creating an introduction video. The intro video helps start a conversation by highlighting what the business does. As a result, this increases website conversion rates. According to stats on Adeliestudios.com, "Homepage videos increase conversions by 20% or more."

At EVE, we are gearing up to launch our intro video for the website this week. Our videographer, Kelsey Smith points out that in today’s world everyone starts by researching on the web. If a website does not appeal within 3-5 seconds, then you've lost a potential client. Creating an intro video, highlights your business purpose, displays a social presence and grabs attention.

At EVE, we are gearing up to launch our intro video for the website this week. Our videographer, Kelsey Smith points out that in today’s world everyone starts by researching on the web. If a website does not appeal within 3-5 seconds, then you've lost a potential client. Creating an intro video, highlights your business purpose, displays a social presence and grabs attention.

EVE discusses these aspects with each client. “We live in a visual, media driven age. Whether it's a video, photography, logo or print piece, this generation wants to see something that will inspire them and immediately draw them in. As a business, having strong visual elements through different mediums such as those listed above draws a consumer in, attracts them to your product and let's them know who you are. With so much of consumerism occurring on the web today versus in stores, having the ability to draw people in with strong video, design, and social media elements on your website will automatically set you apart from your competitor who does not see the importance in a visually appealing presence on the web,” Smith said.

The process and approach Smith put together visually presenting EVE derived from asking questions such as: What is at the heart of why you get up every morning? Why do you do it? Who is behind the company?

EVE discusses these aspects with each client. “We live in a visual, media driven age. Whether it's a video, photography, logo or print piece, this generation wants to see something that will inspire them and immediately draw them in. As a business, having strong visual elements through different mediums such as those listed above draws a consumer in, attracts them to your product and let's them know who you are. With so much of consumerism occurring on the web today versus in stores, having the ability to draw people in with strong video, design, and social media elements on your website will automatically set you apart from your competitor who does not see the importance in a visually appealing presence on the web,” Smith said.

The process and approach Smith put together visually presenting EVE derived from asking questions such as: What is at the heart of why you get up every morning? Why do you do it? Who is behind the company?

Video provides visibility to say who you are and what you do in a short clip. Below are a few reasons to consider why your business should create a video:

Highlight the Purpose - Introduce the company, explain your mission statement, and show off your team.

Social Presence - Instantly create credibility and personalize the brand by explaining what you do. For a refresher see our previous post: "Online Presence is Crucial."

Meet Faraj Nayfa. We are currently managing the social media of his restaurant, Hala In, located in Mayfair neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois. He is a seasoned small business owner of 11 years, and is busy with managing the restaurant.

Since he personally has no time or social media experience to curate an online presence for it, EVE has helped to start the foundation for an online following onInstagram and Facebook to reach customers Faraj would previously have missed out on.

It is important to recognize that social media marketing is becoming the new norm. While the start up of a social media strategy can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

While you focus on your passion of running your business, EVE is here to focus on our passion of helping you navigate the social media world and digital business.

Since he personally has no time or social media experience to curate an online presence for it, EVE has helped to start the foundation for an online following onInstagram and Facebook to reach customers Faraj would previously have missed out on.

It is important to recognize that social media marketing is becoming the new norm. While the start up of a social media strategy can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

While you focus on your passion of running your business, EVE is here to focus on our passion of helping you navigate the social media world and digital business.

Reward for Attention - Keeping the attention of potential clients on your website is rewarded. Watching videos or reading articles on your site is a good thing, Google rewards this behavior. Websites whose users browse for longer periods of time are rewarded by displaying higher on Google's Search Page Results.

Refer to our previous post for more details: "Moving Up Googles Search Results." We build and maintain web products for your business. We love the client journey, and want to be on that journey with you.

About the Author:

Loreen Bahri is a content writer & strategist for EVE – User Experience Design Agency based in Nashville, Tennessee, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. When she is not living off the grid, she is a highly caffeinated music, photography and dog–lover. Connect with her on X and Facebook.

About the Author:

Loreen Bahri is a content writer & strategist for EVE – User Experience Design Agency based in Nashville, Tennessee, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. When she is not living off the grid, she is a highly caffeinated music, photography and dog–lover. Connect with her on X and Facebook.

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Websites for any product or service are today’s version of a first impression.

At EVE we pay attention and strive to follow the paths of successful entrepreneurs like Daymond John, Shark Tank investor.

Want to push your business ahead of the competition? Focus on Conversion Optimization Rate (CRO) through social media which goes in hand with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

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