What Every UXD Should Know About The UX Process

March 5, 2017 3:30 am CDT

When beginning any User Experience Design project, there are thoughtful approaches to the UX process that delivers a frictionless customer experience. EVE keeps the UX design concept and vision in perspective with usability. EVE is also aware that the UX process can change depending on the details of the project, client and budget.

The UX Process Overview referenced in the image below is the same process EVE follows.

The UX Process Overview referenced in the image below is the same process EVE follows.

The most important phase to EVE is Research. Complex projects will require significant user and competitor research. However, simple projects could skip the research and instead do informal interviews or conduct a survey. For example, if a shopping cart feature is lagging because of server-side issues, this frustrates customers and would send their business elsewhere.

Viewing the analytics of this drop off rate within the shopping cart feature and providing a follow-up email simply asking why a purchase was not placed could bring massive insight to what customers are experiencing. EVE will provide this level of service for you and your customers.

The most important phase to EVE is Research. Complex projects will require significant user and competitor research. However, simple projects could skip the research and instead do informal interviews or conduct a survey. For example, if a shopping cart feature is lagging because of server-side issues, this frustrates customers and would send their business elsewhere.

Viewing the analytics of this drop off rate within the shopping cart feature and providing a follow-up email simply asking why a purchase was not placed could bring massive insight to what customers are experiencing. EVE will provide this level of service for you and your customers.

Meet Faraj Nayfa. We are currently managing the social media of his restaurant, Hala In, located in Mayfair neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois. He is a seasoned small business owner of 11 years, and is busy with managing the restaurant.

Since he personally has no time or social media experience to curate an online presence for it, EVE has helped to start the foundation for an online following onInstagram and Facebook to reach customers Faraj would previously have missed out on.

It is important to recognize that social media marketing is becoming the new norm. While the start up of a social media strategy can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

While you focus on your passion of running your business, EVE is here to focus on our passion of helping you navigate the social media world and digital business.

Since he personally has no time or social media experience to curate an online presence for it, EVE has helped to start the foundation for an online following onInstagram and Facebook to reach customers Faraj would previously have missed out on.

It is important to recognize that social media marketing is becoming the new norm. While the start up of a social media strategy can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

While you focus on your passion of running your business, EVE is here to focus on our passion of helping you navigate the social media world and digital business.

The UX Process Overview steps are broken down by EVE:

1. Research/Discovery – User and competitor research, informal interviews and surveys

2. Strategy – Articulates the brand, guiding principles, and long-term vision

3. Analysis – Draws conclusions from data collected during the research phase

4. Design – Collaboration and iterations happen through interactive wireframes and prototypes

5. Production – High-fidelity design such as, images, icons, and text are created for user testing sessions

6. Launch – Taking the website live while the evaluations and testing continue to occur through in an Agile environment

EVE has a team of designers who have crafted their approach to truly deliver the best user experience.

About the Author:

Loreen Bahri is a content writer & strategist for EVE – User Experience Design Agency based in Nashville, Tennessee, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. When she is not living off the grid, she is a highly caffeinated music, photography and dog–lover. Connect with her on X and Facebook.

About the Author:

Loreen Bahri is a content writer & strategist for EVE – User Experience Design Agency based in Nashville, Tennessee, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. When she is not living off the grid, she is a highly caffeinated music, photography and dog–lover. Connect with her on X and Facebook.

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